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  • FlexTime
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• Part-Time
• Job Sharing
• Telecommuting
• Remote Work

• Examples  • Benefits and Challenges  • Success Factors  • Compensation and Benefits Implications
• Internal Best Practices  • Part-Time Agreement  • Troubleshooting  • FAQs

Part-Time Benefits and Challenges

Because of changes in demographics and lifestyles, part-time is an important option both for employees and for organizations. The main reason employees want to work part-time is to reduce the conflict between work and other responsibilities. The main reason organizations implement part-time arrangements is to retain employees in whom they have invested a significant amount of time and money.

Whether you’re an employee or a manager you’ll want to understand the benefits and challenges of part-time for employees and for Our Company. These are the realities of part-time:

For Employees


• Improves performance effectiveness
• Provides job access to those unable or unwilling to work full time
• Reduces stress and burnout
• Helps balance personal and work responsibilities
• Enhances focus
• Phases return
• Continued career development and work experience


• Fear of loss of status
• Staying "in the loop"
• Keeping to a part-time schedule
• Concerns about career development and promotional opportunities
• Coworker jealousy
• Unrealistic expectations for performance
• Pressure to return to full time

For Our Company


Retains valued employees
• Helps gain a recruitment edge
• Provides better staffing and customer service
• Reduces labor expense
• Increases productivity
• Provides time for education and training
• Responds to employee needs covered by laws like the ADA and FMLA
• Enables phased retirement
• Facilitates phased returns from disability and family leaves


Fear that "everyone" will want to work part-time
• Concern that it will be more work for managers
• Evaluating performance
• Coverage issues
• Fear of lack of commitment
• Getting managers to understand and embrace business based flexibility
• Equity Issues
• Concerns about cost of benefits
• Co-worker jealousy

If you’re interested in possible solutions to the challenges to employees and managers, check out the Part-Time Success Factors, FAQs about Part-Time, Part-Time Troubleshooting Guide, FAQs about FWAs and Principles.

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