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Part-Time Agreement

Click Here to download a Microsoft Word Document of the following agreement.

(To be completed by employee and manager if a proposal to implement a part-time arrangement is accepted. A copy of the approved FWA Proposal Form must be attached to this letter.)

I, (insert name) __________________________understand and accept the following provisions regarding my part-time arrangement with Our Company:








Beginning __________________________(start date), I will assume the position of 
_______________________________ (job title and grade) in a part-time arrangement.

The duties and responsibilities of __________________________ (job title) detailed in my FWA Proposal Form (attached) will be performed by me within established guidelines. My manager and I will meet regularly to review assignments and completed work. Evaluation of job performance must continue to meet established standards and expectations in order for this part-time arrangement to continue.

I will work the schedule detailed in my FWA proposal and approved by my manager.

My base salary will be prorated according to the number of hours (X) I am scheduled to work each week. Thus, my annual salary will be $_____________ (X Hours/40 Hours x $Full-time salary = $Job sharing salary).

My eligibility and participation in the organization's benefit plans is detailed in the "Impact of FWAs on Employee Benefits and Pay Summary," which is included with this agreement.

Participation in this part-time arrangement can be terminated by myself, my manager or Our Company for any reason and at any time. This agreement is not a contract of employment and should not be construed as such. I remain an at-will employee and this agreement does not limit the company's right to terminate my employment, with or without cause.

I understand that a trial period will commence on the start date indicated and an interim review will be held in approximately 90 days.

I have read and accept the terms of this agreement. I also have read and accept the terms of Our Company's part-time guidelines. I acknowledge that legally Our Company may terminate or modify a part-time arrangement at any time for any reason. Part-time arrangements are not and will not be construed as a contract of employment. Our Company's employment relationships are "at will," meaning that I am free to resign at any time for whatever reason and the company may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause.

Employee's Name (please print)                 Signature                         Date

I have reviewed this agreement with this employee and witnessed the employee's signature.

Manager's Name (please print)                    Signature                        Date


Approved FWA Proposal Form
Impact of FWAs on Employee Benefits and Pay Summary

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