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  • CEO Message
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  • FlexTime
• Compressed
• Part-Time
• Job Sharing
• Telecommuting
• Remote Work

• Examples  • Benefits and Challenges  • Success Factors  • Compensation and Benefits Implications
• Internal Best Practices  • Job Sharing Agreement  • Troubleshooting  • FAQs

Job Sharing Benefits and Challenges

Job sharing answers many of the resistance managers have to part-time. It provides complete coverage for a position and keeps things from “falling through the cracks.”  For employees, it provides continued career participation at a reduced workload.  

Whether you’re an employee or a manager you’ll want to understand the benefits and challenges of job sharing for employees and for Our Company.  These are the realities of job sharing:

For Employees


Improves performance effectiveness
• Provides job access to those unable or unwilling to work full time
• Reduces stress and burnout
• Helps balance personal and work responsibilities
• Enhances focus
• Phases return
• Continued career development and work experience
• More flexibility in scheduling
• Built-in support system


Reduction in salary
• Communication with job share partner
• Staying "in the loop"
• Being accepted as a team
• Concerns about career development and promotional opportunities
• Coworker jealousy
• Partner leaving

For Our Company


Retains valued employees
• Helps gain a recruitment edge
• Provides better staffing and customer service
• Expands range of skills and experience in one position
• Provides full-time coverage
• Provides time for education and training
• Enables phased retirement
• Facilitates phased returns from disability and family leaves


Fear that "everyone" will want to job share
• Concern that it will be more work for managers
• Evaluating performance
• Getting managers to understand and embrace business-based flexibility
• Equity issues
• Concerns about cost of benefits
• Co-worker jealousy
• Providing training for two people
• Understanding who is responsible for what

If you’re interested in possible solutions to the challenges to employees and managers, check out the Job Sharing Success Factors, FAQs About Job Sharing, Job Sharing Troubleshooting Guide, FAQs about FWAs and Principles.

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