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  • CEO Message
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  • FlexScreen™
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• Proposal Form
  • FlexTime
• Compressed
• Part-Time
• Job Sharing
• Telecommuting
• Remote Work

• Examples  • Benefits and Challenges  • Success Factors  • Compensation and Benefits Implications
• Internal Best Practices  • FlexTime Agreement  • Troubleshooting  • FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about FlexTime

With employees on flextime, everyone will be coming and going at different times.  How will we be able to get the work done?
The business needs of the work group are primary.  Employees who complete the FWA Proposal Form should understand and support this priority.  No arrangement should be approved that will keep work from getting done.  In practice, most employees do not vary their schedules much when offered the opportunity to do so. A manager can limit the amount of day-to-day flexibility of an individual or group if it becomes too disruptive.

Will managers have to work longer hours to supervise everyone?
No.  Managers should think of themselves more as coaches than overseers.  They should be encouraged to delegate or rotate some of their responsibility and present themselves as a resource for their employees.

How should a manager address employees who come in late or leave early and don’t make up the time?
Flextime is not an entitlement.  If employees abuse the system, a manager should counsel them.  If the abuse continues, a manager can require that the employees return to a standard schedule.  

Because most employees on flextime come in earlier and leave earlier, how will we be able to provide coverage during the late afternoon hours?
If everyone wants to “flex” at the same time and business needs will not allow it, the schedules must be revised to assure coverage.  Ask the employees who want the new schedules to develop a solution that addresses coverage.

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