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  • FlexTime
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Flextime Examples

Employees on Flextime arrangements can:




select one start time and end time that includes the designated core hours and keep it

change their schedule at some logical interval depending on organizational need and manager approval

vary their schedule daily if the job requires/allows

Employees can also have mid-day flexibility.  The schedule requires a minimum half-hour lunch but employees may extend the lunch period to up to two hours as long as manager approval is obtained and the operations of the work group are not disrupted.

Our Current Company Standard Workday:

7am       8          9          10          11        12                  1           2           3           4           5          6         7pm






FlexTime Workday :

7am       8          9          10          11        12               1              2           3           4           5           6        7pm

    Flexible Start

Core Hours

Flex Lunch

Core Hours

     Flexible Stop

The key elements of a
flextime arrangement are:

Bandwidth: the time during which an employee may be on the job.  At Our Company the bandwidth is 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Standard service day: The time during which normal service and functional operations must be available.  Those hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Our Company.

Core time: The time when all employees are to be on the job, unless specifically excused.  At Our Company core time is determined by the business units.


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