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Telecommuting Benefits and Challenges

There is growing evidence that telecommuting, when implemented appropriately and managed well, can improve effectiveness on both an individual and an organizational level. 

Telecommuters report substantial quality of life improvements that circle back to employers in the form of increased loyalty and commitment. Cost savings are realized through reduced spending on recruitment, training, and space. 

But there are challenges, too.
Whether you’re an employee or a manager you’ll want to understand the benefits and challenges of telecommuting for employees and for Our Company.  These are the realities of telecommuting:

For Employees


Improves performance effectiveness
• Reduces commuting time
• Decreases interruptions
• Provides job access for the geographically remote and physically challenged
• Helps balance personal and work responsibilities
• Saves money
• May allow work when mildly ill or recovering from surgery
• Provides a decentralized capability during emergencies


• Fear of isolation
• Potential for distractions
• Reduced access to technical support
• Tendency to overwork
• Maintaining office influence, career and promotional opportunities
• May cost money
• Loss of office conveniences
• Getting enough exercise; avoiding the "fridge factor" syndrome

For Our Company


• Improves performance effectiveness
• Retains valued employees
• Helps gain a recruitment edge
• Reduces employee stress and increases commitment
• Reduces paid absences and tardiness
• Increases productivity
• Reduces office space and expenses
• Provides access for employees with disabilities


• Fear that "everyone" will want to telecommute
• Concern that it will be more work for managers
• Cost of equipment
• Evaluating performance
• Getting managers to understand and embrace business-based flexibility
• Concerns about equity
• Concerns about access and accessibility

If you’re interested in possible solutions to the challenges to employees and managers, check out the Success Factors, FAQs About Telecommuting, Telecommuting
Troubleshooting Guide, FAQ's About FWAs and Principles.

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