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Keys to Developing and Reviewing the FWA Proposal Form

The FWA proposal form asks employees to think through the proposed arrangement from the perspective of the manager, coworkers and customers as well as their own needs.  

The form assists an employee in identifying and addressing all the business impacts of the arrangement he or she is proposing.  

Thorough completion of the form should greatly facilitate review of the proposal by a manager as well as implementation of the proposal should it be approved. 

You can click on the
"Tip" after questions 1-7 on the form for help in developing answers.  Click for a complete, printable question-by-question Key to Developing an FWA Form (for employees) and Key to Reviewing an FWA Form (for managers.)

Used well, they should improve the quality of the proposal/review process and reduce costly back-and-forth of incomplete drafts.

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