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Key to Developing an FWA
Proposal Form


How might this proposed
arrangement allow you to maintain or improve your individual performance?


Explain how your proposed arrangement will enable you to do your job at least as well or better than you are doing it now.  Be specific. Will it help you:

- have more focused “quiet time” to produce better work
- reach hard-to catch people either earlier or later in the day
- increase the quantity or quality of work you can do
- be more creative?



Ask colleagues on FWAs for their experience and how it has improved their job

Provide evidence of how your past performance shows your ability to manage yourself on your proposed FWA.
  For instance, mention your ability to work without a lot of supervision or your ability to meet deadlines.
Sample response to this question:  "I have always been results-oriented, not time-oriented. On a compressed workweek schedule I will still be working full time and expect to be able to accomplish at least the same amount that I do now, if not more, in approximately the same number of hours.  This schedule would allow me to continue working with West Coast customers beyond our usual East Coast workday and would decrease the number of callers who have to leave messages.  In addition, I would be able to schedule personal appointments on the day I am not in the office rather than disrupt my work time.  I could also use the quieter morning hours at the beginning of the day to do overall planning.  I will, of course, work overtime when necessary, as I do now.” 


How might this proposed arrangement add value to Our Company’s work?



Beyond your being able to get your job done, provide examples of any broader gains for Our Company that you think will flow from your proposed FWA.

Give specific examples, such as:

- increased revenue
- decreased real estate costs
- enhanced customer service
- lowered payroll costs
- retention of highly-talented employees
- increased morale
- decreased absenteeism
- reduced tardiness
Sample response for this question"My part-time schedule will allow cross-training of one or more junior employees, offering developmental opportunities and trained resources for times when our work demands it. One of Our Company goals is to have more mentoring and this will aid that. Also, I am willing to share my office to help alleviate our space crunch.”


What challenges could the proposed arrangement raise with: a) your manager b) your team or coworkers c) your internal customers and d) your external customers?



For each of these groups think through how your FWA would alter your working together.

Identify possible problems, such as:

- not available on certain days or hours
- difficulty covering peak times
- more difficulty holding team meetings
- ability of manager to informally assess performance
- fewer opportunities for informal networking


Consider talking with people who might be affected by your change in schedule to see what problems occur to them.
Sample response for "a" of this question:  "Challenge for my team: I won’t be scheduled to be in the office on Mondays and that’s the day of our team meeting.”


What solution(s) would you propose to overcome each of the challenges raised in question 3?




For each group listed in question 3, provide concrete solutions for any problems listed.

Ideally, provide several possible solutions for each problem.

Suggest ways to meet the needs of the organization as well as the individuals.
Sample response for part "a" of this question:  "Three possibilities:  1) take part in the meeting by phone; 2) explore taking a different day off;” 3) ask team if they would like to change Monday meetings to Tuesday. (I have heard team members talk about that in the past.)


What deliverables and measurements (qualitative and quantitative) do you propose that you and your manager use to assess your performance?



Incorporate any FWA goals into your performance expectations document or develop explicit goals for effectively performing your job.

Include a timeline for delivering key pieces of work.

Define with your manager the characteristics and behaviors that constitute excellent performance in your job.
Sample response for this question:  “As I do now, I will rely on the goals, objectives and timeline that are part of Our Company's performance evaluation as my basic metrics.  The only change in my goals because of the FWA would be to add a goal about cross-training a junior employee.”


What review process do you propose that you and your manager use to constructively monitor and improve your flexible work arrangement?

Develop a review process that includes a timeline and specific standards for assessing the effectiveness of your FWA.
Sample response for this question:  “ I propose to meet with my manager six weeks and three months after I start telecommuting to assess how well the arrangement is working for both the business and myself.  Before these meetings I would informally survey my coworkers and customers to identify any concerns about my accessibility on telecommuting days.  My manager and I would review any impacts on others and decide if any changes might need to be made. After this we can review the arrangement quarterly for the rest of the year.”


What would be one or more warning signs that this arrangement isn’t working?



Think about what you think would be the "worst-case scenarios" and respond to them.

Look at your responses to Question 3.  Try to assess at what point any negative effects might make the arrangement unworkable.

Highlight the signs that would characterize failure.
Sample response for this question:  "I will know that my arrangement is unsuccessful if my coworkers or customers feel that I am inaccessible. If that happens, I will analyze what is happening and adjust my modes of communication or I will modify my work schedule."

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